REIKI Learn & Share Circles 2025

Continuing education, conversation & Reiki shares in Community


Advanced Reiki Techniques & Usui / Holy Fire Reiki Master

Reiki Training Courses

Learning the art and practice of Reiki starts with in-person instruction at a Reiki 1 & 2 Training event
and continues in our Reiki learning community, and further strengthens the energy with you by serving others at
The Heart Center’s Reiki Clinics. After at least 6 months of practice with Reiki 2, you’re eligible to take Reiki 3: A.R.T. / Master Training.

June 5 & 12, 2025: Thursdays ~ 4pm - 9pm
October 2 & 9 2025: Thursdays ~ 4pm - 9pm

Sunday, April 6 2025 4:30-6:00pm
Sunday, May 18 2025 4:30-6:00pm
September 2025 cate TBD
November 2025 date TBD

November 14, 15, 16 2025

Friday 5:00-9:00pm
Saturday 9:30am-4:30pm
Sunday 9:30am-4:30pm

Do you know someone with cancer, anxiety, physical pain, or grief that you wish you could support? When it feels like there's nothing you can do to support a loved one, Reiki is an answer. Reiki is a renowned ancient energy healing technique with roots in Japan. It's been found to promote health & well-being, relieve stress, speed healing, reduce physical and emotional pain, and support deep relaxation, even in pets.

Learn to employ this energy in your everyday life to support yourself, friends, family, clients, and even pets…the applications for the use of Reiki are endless.

Reiki can easily be learned by anyone. It is passed on through Teacher to Student via a series of attunements to the given level of Reiki energy. Whether your desire is for self-healing, to serve others, or to enhance your personal development, Reiki 1 & 2 Training offers a unique opportunity for spiritual growth. With expert guidance, anyone can tap into their inner healer and cultivate a Reiki practice that rejuvenates their mind, body, and spirit. 

The training includes a complete introduction to how Reiki works, what it can heal, the history of Reiki, hand positions, Reiki symbols and how to use them, distant healing, and beaming. Includes verbal instruction, practice of techniques learned, video instruction for home practice, as well as room for discussion on Reiki, self-healing, stress reduction, personal and spiritual growth.

Instructor, Polly Manke, Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher, weaves teachings and techniques, traditional uses, and applications of Reiki that she has learned through her many Reiki trainings, practice, and teaching of Reiki, yoga, and healing. This combination provides a distinctive and enriched learning experience – providing a solid foundation in practical knowledge of Reiki. 

By the end of this course, you will have everything you need to integrate Reiki into your life, with lasting benefits. 

Imagine a world where every home has someone attuned to this healing energy.

Healing isn't just for times of great pain or strife.
It is something that can be done to create feelings of




every day.

Everyone possesses the power to be their own healer.

Three Reasons Why People do Reiki Training

Support Your Own Health

Maybe you’ve been on a healing journey and you just want to find ways to support your own well-being, sleep better, heal from surgery, Cancer treatment, grief, an injury or accident. Reiki empowers you on your healing journey to generate healing energy for YOURSELF.

Support Others

Perhaps you have a loved one: spouse, child, parent, friend, or even pet who is going through a tough patch. Reiki empowers you to become a vessel of healing energy to be of service to others. Or perhaps you’re interested in doing more with Reiki and this is the next step.

Organize Your Energy

Are you sensitive, empathic, overwhelmed, or scattered. Reiki can help organize your energy to be more coherent. Some people find they are very sensitive to energy…they feel things and it can feel overwhelming. Reiki helps you define your boundaries and feel more empowered.

  • Reiki 1

    What is Reiki

    Reiki History and Uses

    Reiki Ideals

    1st Level Attunements

    Self-Healing Practice Techniques

    Reiki Symbols

    Intro to Clinical Application Techniques

    Hands-On Practice of Giving Reiki

    Applying the use of Reiki to everyday living

  • Reiki 2

    2nd Level Attunements

    How to use Reiki to heal the past or send Reiki to the future.

    Tools for mental/emotional healing

    Reiki symbols for level 2

    Intro to Understanding the Energy Body

    Hands-On Practice

    Working with other Reiki practitioners in pairs & group

    Distance Reiki

  • Reiki Master

    Reiki Master Training is for anyone with Reiki 1 & 2 training, with at least 6 months of practice.

    3 day training, 18 hours of instruction covering:

    Holy Fire Ignition

    Advanced Reiki Techniques

    Learning to Give Attunements

    Healing Attunements, Reiki 1. & 2

Why Choose Reiki Training at The Heart Center with Polly?

In the days, weeks, months, and years after Reiki training…the more you use the energy the stronger the energy grows with you. In other words, the more opportunities you have to practice Reiki the better. And that’s why we offer the most comprehensive support after training:

  • A monthly Reiki Clinic where you can be a Reiki Clinic volunteer serving members of the community while you continue to practice giving Reiki in community with other practitioners.

  • Quarterly continuing Reiki education with Reiki Learn & Share (just $35)

  • A community of Reiki practitioners to continue to stay connected with all that you learn and have like-hearted souls to share the journey with. 

In my 25+ year relationship with Reiki, I have witnessed that the one thing that makes a difference as to whether a newly minted Reiki practitioner actually puts the Reiki energy consistently to use, or lets the skills dry on the vine is a sense of community with other Reiki practitioners! This is why we have so many aspects to our Reiki program. And because Reiki is needed now more than ever. I imagine a world where we serve one another regularly with Reiki. 
